More needs to be done to minimise 'corridor care'

25 April 2024

Responding to new analysis by the Liberal Democrats on patients waiting in A&E corridors before being admitted to a hospital ward, the chief executive of NHS Providers, Sir Julian Hartley said:

"No one working in the NHS wants to treat patients in corridors.

"Staff work tirelessly, often exhausting every available option, to try and prevent 'corridor care' from happening. They want to provide safe and effective care to patients while respecting their privacy, and treating them with the dignity and compassion they deserve.

"But with record levels of pressure across the whole health and care system, and demand for beds outstripping supply, there will be times when staff are forced to deliver care outside of wards.

"The NHS is keeping more beds open to try and ensure all patients receive care in an appropriate clinical setting but as this data shows, much more needs to be done to minimise incidents of corridor care.

"We also need to boost capacity across social care and community services so people can receive early interventions and preventative care at, or closer to, home."