The future of NHS Providers in a world of system working

Feedback from recent NHS Providers member and stakeholder surveys has been overwhelmingly positive, with NHS Providers consistently described as a highly effective, articulate and influential organisation on behalf of its members.

However, in both surveys, members and stakeholders were keen to understand how NHS Providers, an organisation currently focused on trusts and foundation trusts, can continue to play an equally effective role as the NHS moves to greater system working and as health and care services integrate at a local level.

We have published a new document outlining how NHS Providers sees its role evolving as system working develops. As provider organisations pursue greater integration and work with their local partners to implement system working, NHS Providers will continue as their partner, adapting to meet their needs. Those organisations responsible for delivering frontline care will always need a clear, effective and influential voice. NHS Providers seeks to remain that voice, however the future NHS landscape develops.

