Governance survey results 2023

These reports detail the results of our 2023 governance survey, and where applicable compare the results to previous years. The survey was sent to chairs and governance leads (company secretaries, directors of corporate affairs etc) in NHS trusts and foundation trusts in September and October 2023.

The survey sought to explore respondents’ views in relation to boards, board assurance committees, and boards’ experience of governance in systems and collaborative working.

Key findings include: 

  1. 86% of respondents agree (48%) or strongly agree (38%) that the board has time to focus on key risks and issues. 6% disagree. 
  2. Almost all (99%) respondents agree (47%) or strongly agree (52%) that the way the committees report to the board can provide it with assurance. 
  3. Over one third (35%) of respondents agree (33% agree, 2% strongly agree) that the trust board is confident that there are clear roles for trusts, ICBs, ICPs, place-based partnerships and collaboratives. 16% of respondents disagree (13% disagree, 3% strongly disagree). 
  4. 12% of respondents agree that risk is managed effectively across the system(s) they are part of (1% strongly agree, 11% agree), down from 20% in 2022 (6% strongly agree, 14% agree).  
  5. 20% of organisations surveyed are part of two or more integrated care systems (ICSs), 30% are part of two or more provider collaboratives (with 10% part of four or more), and 60% are part of two or more place-based partnerships (with 13% part of five or more). 

In addition to the full report and analysis, a six-page summary briefing is also available which focuses on key themes arising from the survey. 

NHS Providers governance survey 2023 full report

NHS Providers governance survey 2023 summary briefing